Wednesday, May 21, 2008

He's Mine

Just watched a great video of one of my favorite performers, Jason Mraz, singing his "new" song, "I'm Yours." I say "new" like I don't believe it because I've been listening to the song for a few years now, it's one of my favorites, but he is only now releasing it on a studio album. I've had the opportunity to meet both Jason and Toca (his drummer that kind of looks like Mr. T) in person, and they were that special kind of music star that are actually as nice to their fans as you hope they will be. So I have no problem promoting Jason Mraz's new album, "We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things," that comes out June 9th. Love the song. Love the singer. Love sharing it with all of you! (And thanks to my dear friend Emily at The Vinyl Mixtape for making me aware of all of these great videos!)

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