Monday, August 11, 2008

I could make a gold medal pun. But I won't.

I heard somewhere today (most likely on some NBC outlet) that advertisers have spent $1 billion on advertising during the Olympics. Some are decidedly better than others, and here are some of my favorites!

First up: Yeah, obviously I'm going to like the Nike spot. The song (by The Killers) is one I've enjoyed for a while, and it goes well with the clips of incredible victories and tragic defeats showcased in the ad. Extra points for featuring Prefontaine. Interesting, though, that a mega apparel brand like Nike focuses on the intangibles-- "Everything you need is already inside"-- instead of on the gear. But kudos for highlighting the passion of sport and the emotions of athletes.

Second: This just made me go "awwwww." Coca-Cola usually has pretty good ads, and I just think that this one is cute. I could only find a video of the instrumental music, and I'm pretty sure there was one with narrative/song lyrics about building their own Bird's Nest. If you find it, let me know.

Lastly: This has nothing to do with commercials, and everything to do with making fun of people's outfits. Which is one of my favorite pastimes. Check out this website for a hilarious rundown of the clothing choices displayed during Friday night's Parade of Nations. As for me, I'm going to sit in front of my TV until I can watch Michael Phelps swim again.

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