Sunday, February 3, 2008

I Love Parodies, Part 2

As a pretty frequent listener of Top 40 radio stations, the same songs get played out quickly. Granted, there are ones you will listen to no matter what ("Buy You a Drank" is one of them for me), but some just get old really fast. Jim Jones' "We Fly High" has definitely had its moment, but now it's just annoying. (You can only yell "BWAALLLIIIIIINNN" so many times before you're over it.) Thankfully, some white boys have parodied it to great success. Maybe I like it because I like parodies, or maybe it's because it reminds me of something my younger brother and his friends would do, or even have done already. Either way, it makes me willing to listen to the song again, which the artist can't complain about too much. My favorite parts: the fact that the boys are wearing Hollister and North Face--not urban by ANY means; and they included a token black guy. Enjoy it for yourself, below.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You gotta love Atlanta.